30 YRS of Voll's Electro Dermal Titration Using OPRE
By Kenneth Emonds, PhD, DAPA

About I3H2C
The goal of our Foundation is to educate and continue the training of all doctors in any specialty in the most advanced care, integrating orthomolecular, environmental and energy medicine.
What Is Integrative Medicine?
What is Integrative Medicine? Cost effective preventative medicine, with basic clinical skills to solve the enigmatic problems of medicine.
Case Studies
Learn more about the amazing results patients have experienced through the use of Integrative Medicine by reading Dr. Emonds' case studies.
The ultimate objective of our foundation is to raise enough financial support to start the first integrative medical school in the world, through the generosity of our valued donors.
Welcome To I3H2C
The International Institute for Integrated Health and Higher Consciousness (I3H2C) is a research and education organization dedicated to perpetuating the life's work of Dr. Linus Pauling, Dr. Theron Randolph, Dr. James O'Shea, Dr. Kenneth Emonds and the hundreds of other colleagues of Integrative Medicine. We invite you to explore our web site and contact us for additional information.
Click Here to watch Dr. Kenneth Emonds' Electrodermal Titration Seminar Dr. Emonds' Virus Protocol. Click Here To View.251 Crandon Boulevard, Unit 107
Key Biscayne, FL 33149
The Foundation's Federal Tax Identification Number is EIN 26-4113263.